The Welsh Assembly Government began consultation on a three-year strategy for achieving refugee inclusion in Wales.
Source: Refugee Inclusion Strategy: Consultation document, Welsh Assembly Government (029 2082 5111)
Links: Consultation document | Consultation document (Welsh) | Summary
Date: 2006-Nov
A report examined the range of housing needs and problems facing lesbian/gay/bisexual people living in Wales, and identified examples of good practice among housing service providers.
Source: The Housing Needs of Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual (LGB) People in Wales, Stonewall Cymru (029 2023 7744)
Links: Report
Date: 2006-Oct
An article examined Welsh and Scottish devolution as a testbed for the development of multicultural citizenship and race equality.
Source: Charlotte Williams and Philomena De Lima, 'Devolution, multicultural citizenship and race equality: from laissez-faire to nationally responsible policies', Critical Social Policy, Volume 26 Issue 3
Links: Abstract
Date: 2006-Aug
A report said that the Welsh Assembly Government should set a target of 50 per cent of the population speaking Welsh by 2025. This would only be achieved if all secondary schools in Wales became bilingual.
Source: Ken Hopkins, Saving Our Language, Institute of Welsh Affairs (029 2057 5511)
Links: IWA press release
Date: 2006-Jun
The sex equality watchdog published a report summarizing statistical information about women and men in Wales. It focused on changes since the 1970s for women and men in terms of education, employment, and public life.
Source: Facts About Women & Men in Wales 2006, Equal Opportunities Commission Wales (029 2034 3552)
Links: Report | EOC press release
Date: 2006-May
An article examined the second devolved elections in Scotland and Wales (in 2003) from the perspective of women's political representation; and whether the increase in descriptive representation had led to improved substantive representation of women by better reflecting their diverse interests and concerns.
Source: Fiona Mackay, 'Women's representation in Wales and Scotland', Contemporary Wales, Volume 17 Number 1
Links: Abstract
Date: 2006-Apr
The sex equality watchdog in Wales said that there had been very little progress between 2004 and 2006 in getting women into the leadership of public bodies in Wales.
Source: Who Runs Wales?, Equal Opportunities Commission Wales (029 2034 3552) and Wales Women s National Coalition
Links: Report | EOC press release | BBC report
Date: 2006-Mar
A report examined progress on equal opportunities for women in Wales in 2005.
Source: Wales Review 2005, Equal Opportunities Commission Wales (029 2034 3552)
Links: Report | EOC press release
Date: 2006-Feb